Awesomeness of Turkey

10/03/2021 it’s the International Day of Awesomeness! Here are awesome views and experiences from Türkiye that should be on your bucket list!
1- Take a ferry in #İstanbul while the sun is setting!

Don’t forget to take a couple of bagels with you. Our lovely seagull friends will be your accompany and they love the Turkish Bagels(Simit).


2- Fly on a hot air balloon in #Kapadokya.

You will be watching enormous fairy chimneys while the sun is rising on them! Isn't it awesome?

3- Visit #Ephesus As a strategic coastal gateway to the Eastern World, this Ionian refuge grew to be the second largest city in the Roman Empire.

4-  Visit Didim in #Altinkum. Swimming in endless turquoise waters of #Altinkum or paraglide on it.

There is fun for everyone in Altinkum, day or night. Isn't it awesome?

5- Last but not least, #TurkishCoffee! It's such an awesome thing to have a small break to your day with a delicious very finely ground coffee. Once you get the taste of it, you'll never be able to give up!
Just For The Coffee Gourmets Out There: Types Of Turkish Coffees!
In 2013, Turkish coffee culture and tradition took its place in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. It's critical to Turkish culture, and the Turkish word for "kahvaltı" even translates directly as the meal "before coffee." When visiting friends and family in Türkiye, Turkish coffee is always part of every occasion and will always be offered when you enter someone's home. It's a critical part of wedding celebrations, engagements, births, and almost anything you can think of. Telling fortunes in the coffee grounds is another feature of Turkish coffee, and the popularity of the drink is what caused the first coffee houses to form in İstanbul, and from there spread to the rests of Europe. "Every cup of coffee carries 40 years of memories" is a traditional Turkish proverb, so you can really see just how important this drink is to the culture. 
But what is Turkish coffee and what makes it different from other types of coffee? It's not, as you might expect, the beans. Any type of coffee bean can be used for Turkish coffee (though some work better than others, of course). Turkish coffee is simply very finely ground coffee, which are then left in the coffee when served. The coffee is boiled (with sugar already inside) in a special pot called a Cezve, and is boiled until it froths, often multiple times. So what are these multiple types of Turkish coffee?

On Sand/Coals/Ashes

The different ways Turkish coffee can be cooked, on sand, on coals or on ashes. As you'd guess, the way it's cooked affects the way it tastes, though cooking on sand is probably the most traditional. You'll see all three commonly enough in Türkiye, and of course in homes it'll just be cooked on an open stove, but where's the fun in that!